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The feudal Lord of the Manor Lordships are fully recognized by the British Government

The Lordship (title) at the present time

1. What are English Lordships?
2. The British Government
3. Her Majesty's Land Registry (HMLR)
4. The Lordship in the passport/ID Card

What are English Lordships

The English Lordships or Lord of the Manor were separated from the property by the Law Property Acts of 1922 & 1924.
These acts came into force in 1925, from then on it is allowed to sell Lordships separately from the property.

They are classified as "incorporeal hereditament" and they exist in English Property Law and Real Property Law.
Technically, Lordships are not real "titles" but a semi extinct of British feudalism.
They allow you to call yourself a "Lord of anything," and they do not bring with them the state bureaucracy or a nobility.
In some cases, so-called "manorial rights" are attached to the Lordships, which means that the owners of such a Lordship may exercise certain rights on the "manor" (land).
These include: fishing and hunting rights, the right to hold a market or even to impose tolls.

"The lordship of the manor is simply the title by which the lord of the manor is known. In many cases the title may no longer have any land or rights attached to it. Because of its origin and lack of physical substance, it is known as an "incorporeal hereditament"."
"Practice guide 22: manors", under:
https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/manors/practice-guide-22-manors (retrieved 01.03.2019)

2. The British Government

Manorial Titles
"A Manorial title (i.e. Lord of the Manor) is not a title of nobility and may be bought and sold by the owner of the property to which the title refers."
"titles-included-in-passports", under:
https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/118548/titles-included-in-passports.pdf (retrieved 01.03.2019)

3. Her Majesty's Land Registry

By 2003, the Lordships were officially registered and maintained in the Her Majesty Land Registry (HMLR).

"Since 13 October 2003, it is no longer possible to make an application for the first registration of a lordship title."
"Practice guide 22: manors", under:
https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/manors/practice-guide-22-manors (retrieved 01.03.2019)

4. The Lordship in the passport/ID Card

The owner of a Lordship may legally identify himself with his Lordship and bear the Lordship (title).

Example: John Doe, Lord of the Manor of [Placename].
Shortened: John Doe, Lord of [Placename].

The Lord of the Manor may also bear his Lordship without giving his civil name.

The entry in the ID card would look like this:

"[...]and recorded in the passport with the observation e.g.:
THE HOLDER IS THE LORD OF THE MANOR OF......................."
"titles included in passports", under:
https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/118548/titles-included-in-passports.pdf (retrieved01.03.2019)

The source information in the mobile version can be found at the end of the website.